I am 23 years old, I am from Villa María, Cordoba, Argentina. I´m doing photography since I´m 15 years old, age in which I received my first camera reflex and I entered myself in this fascinating world that it is the search of the beauty in each corner. At the moment I am in 4º year of Visual Arts College, and besides painting, making vitraux, candles, etc. I continued with the photography. I have done different exhibits in my city and sold photographs in my country, as well as I have gained some prizes at the local level with my photographs. And thus, I hope to be obtaining a place in the artistic world and to be able to show the small things or great people, who touch me emotionally and inspire me when so many times we happened to be unnoticed.
Here are other web pages of mine:
Candles: http://artesaniaskassandra.artelista.com
Paintings: http://natyscauso.artelista.com